An action research study of a summer course partnership conducted between May and July of 1999 is used as a basis. The main goal of the course was to teach ...
This paper discusses a course partnership involving Day & Zimmermann, Inc. (DZI), a large engineering and professional services company, ...
This paper discusses a course partnership involving Day & Zimmermann, Inc. (DZI), a large engineering and professional services company, ...
The use of Web-based collaboration technologies in combination with communication behavior norms and face-to-face meetings, and its effect on the success of ...
Using the Web to Enable Industry-University Collaboration: An Action Research Study of a Course Partnership · Ned Kock, Camille Auspitz, Brad King · Published ...
Ned Kock, Camille Auspitz, Brad King: Using the Web to Enable Industry-University Collaboration: An Action Research Study of a Course Partnership.
This paper focuses on the types, benefits and enablers of engagement between academics and industry practitioners in various industries within the STEM field.
Using the web to enable industry—university collaboration: an action research study of a course partnership. Informing Science Special Series on ...
An Action Research Study, Graduate Accounting and Management Institute, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal. (October 2001), The Ape that Used Email ...