We created an extension of the Naked Objects framework using annotations to allow manipulation of higher level abstractions as specialization and object- ...
We created an extension of the Naked Objects framework using annotations to allow manipulation of higher level abstractions as specialization and object- ...
This work created an extension of the Naked Objects framework using annotations to allow manipulation of higher level abstractions as specialization and object ...
ABSTRACT. The creation of conceptual data design that appropriately represents specific application domain is one of the main challenges in requirements ...
2022/04/09 · Bibliographic details on Using annotations in the naked objects framework to explore data requirements.
Marcos E. B. Broinizi, João Eduardo Ferreira, Alfredo Goldman Using annotations in the naked objects framework to explore data requirements. SAC, 2008.
This study reports results of a case study where a mobile application was developed using the Naked Objects Framework. Quali- tative and quantitative data ...
Using annotations in the naked objects framework to explore data requirements. In SAC 2008: 630-637. [bib]. Read More ». Load Balancing on an Interactive ...
This paper introduces Just Business, a Naked Objects-based framework, which aims at supporting fast creation of Android business applications through ...
2008/10/03 · The framework favors convention OVER configuration: lots of annotations no freaking XML config giles. Works great for prototyping along with db ...