Analysis and verification techniques for heap-manipulating programs are crucial to avoid and find errors, to optimize implementations, and to verify properties.
含まれない: 19.07. - | 必須にする:19.07. -
Peter W. O'Hearn, Arnd Poetzsch-Heffter, Mooly Sagiv: Typing, Analysis and Verification of Heap-Manipulating Programs, 19.07. - 24.07.2009.
Most of today's software is written in procedural or object-oriented programming languages. Many of these programs make use of heap-allocated data. This is.
含まれない: 19.07. - 24.07.2009
Typing, Analysis and Verification of Heap-Manipulating Programs, 19.07. - 24.07.2009. P. O'Hearn, A. Poetzsch-Heffter, und M. Sagiv (Hrsg.) Volume 09301 von ...
2024/07/10 · Typing, Analysis and Verification of Heap-Manipulating Programs, 19.07. - 24.07.2009. Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings 09301, Schloss Dagstuhl ...
Our proposal uses reflection to enable equational reasoning about heaps, and Hoare triples with binary postconditions to fur- ther facilitate it. We apply these ...
含まれない: 19.07. - 24.07.2009
Our proposal uses reflection to enable equational reasoning about heaps, and Hoare triples with binary postconditions to fur- ther facilitate it. We apply these ...
含まれない: 19.07. - 24.07.2009
These are all successful examples of verification/analysis of heap- manipulating programs, esp. those processing pointer-based shared mutable data.
含まれない: 19.07. - 24.07.2009
In this work, we address this challenge in the context of the synthesis and verification of heap-manipulating programs. We present a technique for principled ...
含まれない: 19.07. - 24.07.2009
Programs that manipulate dynamic heap objects are difficult to analyze due to issues like aliasing. Lazy initialization algorithm enables the classical ...
含まれない: 19.07. - 24.07.2009
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