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Abstract: The authors propose an algorithm for automatically generating a mask pattern from the logical description of a large-scale CMOS circuit, i.e., ...
最大数千トランジスタから成る大規模CMOS論理回路の高密度マスクパターンを自動生成する手法を提案する.使用したレイアウト・モデルは,P型およびN型トランジスタ列のペア ...
Two-dimensional layout synthesis for large-scale CMOS circuits. Tani K., Izumi K., Kashimura M., Matsuda T., Fujii T. Expand. Publication type: Proceedings ...
大規模CMOS回路の自動レイアウト生成手法. Two - Dimensional Layout Synthesis for Large - Scale CMOS Circuits. 谷 勝則 , 出水 京一 , 樫村 雅彦 , 松田 庸雄
A novel technique, CLIP, is presented for the automatic generation of optimal layouts of CMOS cells in the two-dimensional (2D) style. CLIP is based on ...
This thesis focuses on the optimization methods for standard cell layouts. Standard cells are the most fundamental components of VLSI, and provide the ...
Proposes a transistor placement algorithm to generate standard cell layout in a 2D placement style that is not restricted to row-based transistor placement.
A hierarchical technique to generate near-optimum layouts of CMOS cells in the two-dimensional (2-D) style based on integer-linear programming and extends ...
2022/10/21 · Here, we review state-of-the-art techniques to achieve ultra-scaled 2D transistors with novel configurations through the scaling of channel, gate, and contact ...
This thesis focuses on the optimization methods for standard cell layouts. Standard cells are the most fundamental components of VLSI, and provide the ...