2011/01/12 · ABSTRACT. We propose a new type of database system coined OctopusDB. Our approach suggests a unified, one size fits all data processing ar-.
ABSTRACT. Modern enterprises need to pick the right DBMSs e.g. OLTP,. OLAP, streaming systems, scan-oriented systems among others,.
2011/01/09 · The number of rows and the record length are the two factors that affect the performance of a DB Universal Database (UDB) for a z/OS table. A ...
This work proposes a new type of database system coined OctopusDB, which uses a logical event log as its primary storage structure and introduces the ...
2010/09/13 · ABSTRACT. Modern enterprises need to pick the right DBMSs e.g. OLTP,. OLAP, streaming systems, scan-oriented systems among others,.
2010/09/13 · Page 1. Information Systems Group. The Mimicking Octopus. Towards a one-size-fits-all Architecture for Database Systems. Alekh Jindal.
2019/07/18 · Towards a One Size Fits All Database Architecture. Dittrich, Jens and Jindal, Alekh. (2011) Towards a One Size Fits All Database Architecture.
Variation in application workloads, requirements, and hardware has often leaded to claim that One-Size-. Fits-All databases are dead, as they require ...