Abstract—The classification, monitoring, and compression of electrocardiogram (ECG) signals recorded of a single patient over a relatively long period of ...
The main idea is to generate a smooth approximation by a randomization procedure. The viability of the method is demonstrated on both simulated and real data.
The particular application we have in mind is high-resolution ECG analysis, such as late potential analysis, morphology changes in QRS during arrythmias, T-wave ...
Abstract—The classification, monitoring, and compression of electrocardiogram (ECG) signals recorded of a single patient over.
The use of the SPSA method in ECG analysis. Gerencsér, László and Kozmann, GY and Vágó, ZS and Haraszti, K. (2002) The use of the SPSA method in ECG analysis.
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It is shown that nonsmooth optimization problems can be solved by a suitable extension of the simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation (SPSA) ...
We have tested the non-smooth SPSA-method on both simulated and real data. In the case of simulated data we considered the function f(x) = Σ |r,]. In a typ ...
This method will help in identifying the co-relation of heart disorders with other body organs (such as: retina and brain parts) by analyzing ECG, fundus image, ...
This figure was published in the article The use of the SPSA method in ECG analysis and article was published on 06 Nov 2002. The article has received 27 ...