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2018/11/02 · We present Open Images V4, a dataset of 9.2M images with unified annotations for image classification, object detection and visual relationship detection.
2018/05/02 · Open Images(オープン・イメージズ)とは、900万枚の画像データに対してラベルとバウンディングボックスが付与された画像のデータセットです。
2020/03/13 · We present Open Images V4, a dataset of 9.2M images with unified annotations for image classification, object detection and visual ...
Open Images V4 offers large scale across several dimensions: 30.1M image-level labels for 19.8k concepts, 15.4M bounding boxes for 600 object classes, ...
2024/06/01 · Open Images is a dataset of ~9M images that have been annotated with image-level labels and object bounding boxes. The training set of V4 ...
2020/02/21 · Open Images V4 offers large scale across several dimensions: 30.1M image-level labels for 19.8k concepts,. 15.4M bounding boxes for 600 object ...
We present Open Images V4, a dataset of 9.2M images with unified annotations for image classification, object detection and visual relationship detection.
2020/11/11 · 物体検知用の境界ボックスや視覚的な関係性を利用する場合は、引用内容は次のようになる。なお、V4となっているが、V5やV6でも同じとのこと。 作成者: ...
2022/12/17 · In this paper, Open Images V4, is proposed, which is a dataset of 9.2M images with unified annotations for image classification, ...