2023/08/06 · Sunday Aug. 6, 2023, 8am - 5pm Grand Ballroom B, Long Beach Convention Center Held in conjunction with KDD 2023.
2023/08/04 · By crowdsourcing novel tasks and datasets, this workshop aims to increase the diversity of graph learning benchmarks, identify new demands of ...
2023/08/10 · ABSTRACT. Recent years have witnessed a surge of research interest in graph machine learning. However, the benchmark datasets available to ...
Thrilled to announce the 3rd GLB Workshop, in conjunction with #KDD2023! The workshop focuses on benchmark & dataset contributions, and data-centric ...
By crowdsourcing novel tasks and datasets, this workshop aims to increase the diversity of graph learning benchmarks, identify new demands of graph machine ...
By crowdsourcing novel tasks and datasets, this workshop aims to increase the diversity of graph learning benchmarks, identify new demands of graph machine ...
2023/04/12 · Dear Colleagues,. We are organizing the 3rd Workshop on Graph Learning Benchmarks (GLB 2023) in conjunction with KDD 2023.
Keyphrases · Graph Learning 100% · Benchmark Dataset 25% · Data-driven Approach 12% · Machine Learning Techniques 12% · Crowdsourcing 12%.
Workshop on Graph Learning Benchmarks ; GLB 2023 -- Current Edition · Aug. 7, 2023 - Long Beach, CA, USA Held in conjunction with KDD 2023. ; GLB 2022 · Apr. 26, ...
含まれない: 3rd | 必須にする:3rd
Workshops ; FD-2, The 3rd Workshop on Graph Learning Benchmarks (GLB 2023) · CFP, Graph, Full Day ; HD-4, 2nd ACM SIGKDD Workshop on Ethical Artificial ...