We discuss a new VR game designed to improve upper-arm motor function through repetitive arm exercises.
A new VR game designed to improve upper-arm motor function through repetitive arm exercises is discussed, and an automated method is used to extract outcome ...
... SuperPop VR is a fully customizable therapy game aimed to improve individual's upper body motor function. Using a Microsoft Kinect camera, SuperPop VR is ...
Abstract. Therapists and researchers have studied the importance of virtual reality (VR) environments in physical therapy interventions for people with.
We discuss a new VR game designed to improve upper-arm motor function through repetitive arm exercises. An automated method is used to extract outcome measures ...
Super Pop VRTM: An Adaptable Virtual Reality Game for Upper-Body Rehabilitation · Sergio García-Vergara,. Yu-Ping Chen,. Ayanna M. Howard · Springer Publishing.
This paper describes the development of a Virtual Reality (VR) based therapeutic training system aimed at encourage stroke patients with upper limb motor ...
Super Pop VRTM: An Adaptable Virtual Reality Game for Upper-Body Rehabilitation ... Adaptive Virtual Reality Games for Rehabilitation of Motor Disorders · M ...
García-Vergara, S., Chen, Y.-P., Howard, A.M.: Super Pop VR $$^{\text{TM}}$$ TM : an adaptable virtual reality game for upper-body rehabilitation. In ...
Chen, and A. M. Howard, “Super pop vrtm: An adaptable virtual reality game for upper-body rehabilitation,” in Virtual, Augmented and. Mixed Reality. Systems ...