2018/02/21 · We provide conditions such that the principal eigenvalues and eigenspaces of a coarsened and original graph Laplacian matrices are close.
The achieved approximation is shown to depend on standard graph-theoretic properties, such as the degree and eigenvalue distributions, as well as on the ratio ...
Spectrally approximating large graphs with smaller graphs: supplementary material. Andreas Loukas and Pierre Vandergheynst. 1 Proof of Theorem 4.1. Proof. The ...
2018/07/23 · Coarsening is one such approach: it generates a pyramid of graphs whereby the one in the next level is a structural summary of the prior one.
2018/02/21 · Abstract. How does coarsening affect the spectrum of a general graph? We provide conditions such that the principal eigenvalues and ...
This work studies graph coarsening from a different perspective, developing a theory for preserving graph distances and proposing a method to achieve this.
Andreas Loukas, Pierre Vandergheynst Spectrally Approximating Large Graphs with Smaller Graphs ICML, 2018. ... ?EE? Full names. Links
2018/05/26 · A common idea of approximation algorithms is that, instead of solving the original problem, solve a coarse problem of reduced size at a lower cost.
This is a curated list of papers about graph reduction including graph condensation, graph coarsening, graph sparsification, graph summarization, etc.