MST provides the registration paths which decomposes the large-deformation registration between the test and the template images into multiple fast ...
The proposed framework rapidly registers the inter-subject brains and achieves the high mean Dice for the tissues of the brain.
Background and objective: A framework of sparse deformation prediction using Markove Decision Processes is proposed for achieving a rapid and accurate ...
Abstract: A framework of sparse deformation prediction using Markove Decision Processes is proposed for achieving a rapid and accurate registration by ...
A framework of sparse deformation prediction using Markove Decision Processes is proposed for achieving a rapid and accurate registration by providing a ...
使用Markove决策过程(MDP)进行MR图像非刚性配准的稀疏变形预测。 背景与目的提出了一种基于马尔可夫决策过程的稀疏变形预测框架,旨在通过提供合适的初始变形来实现快速 ...
Sparse deformation prediction using Markove Decision Processes (MDP) for Non-rigid registration of MR image. T Fu, Q Li, J Zhu, D Ai, Y Huang, H Song, Y Jiang, ...
This study proposes a novel hierarchical pyramid strategy for 3D registration of multimodality medical images. The surfaces of the source and target volume ...
2020. Sparse deformation prediction using Markove Decision Processes (MDP) for Non-rigid registration of MR image. T Fu, Q Li, J Zhu, D Ai, Y Huang, H Song, Y ...
(5) Sparse Deformation Prediction using Markove Decision Processes (MDP) for Non-rigid Registration of MR Image, Computer Methods and Programs in ...