Chen C., Penna P., Xu Y. Selfish jobs with favorite machines: price of anarchy vs. strong price of anarchy. Proc. of the 11th Annual International Conference on ...
Chen et al. Selfish load balancing for jobs with favorite machines. Operat ... Coordination mechanisms for scheduling selfish jobs with favorite machines.
We provide tight bounds on two well-studied notions in algorithmic game theory, namely, the price of anarchy and the strong price of anarchy on machine ...
2020/08/01 · Selfish Jobs with Favorite Machines: Price of Anarchy vs. Strong Price of Anarchy. Combinatorial Optimization and Applications. Abstract. We ...
2020/06/10 · Here each user chooses a machine trying to minimize her own cost, and such selfish behavior typically results in some equilibrium which is not ...
2017/09/19 · Title:Selfish Jobs with Favorite Machines: Price of Anarchy vs Strong Price of Anarchy. Authors:Cong Chen, Paolo Penna, Yinfeng Xu. View a PDF ...
含まれない: balancing | 必須にする:balancing
We consider the well-studied game-theoretic version of machine scheduling in which jobs correspond to self-interested users and machines correspond.
Chen C, Xu Y (2019) Selfish load balancing for jobs with favorite machines. Oper Res Lett 47(1):7–11 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.orl.2018.11.004; Chen L, Ye D ...
We provide tight bounds on two well-studied notions in algorithmic game theory, namely, the price of anarchy and the strong price of anarchy on machine ...
This paper studies the favorite machine model, where each machine has different speed for different types of jobs. The model is a natural generalization of ...