We propose and validate an image segmentation algorithm designed to overcome the distinct challenges posed by schistosomes and macroparasites in general.
Abstract—Schistosomiasis is a parasitic disease with a global health impact second only to malaria. The World Health Or-.
The method is sufficiently rapid, robust and accurate to be used for quantitative analysis of diverse parasite phenotypes in high-throughput and high-content ...
2021/05/31 · Screening compounds for anti-schistosomal activity is typically carried out manually where an analyst identifies the 5presence of morphological ...
Daniel Asarnow , Rahul Singh: Segmenting the Etiological Agent of Schistosomiasis for High-Content Screening. IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging 32(6): 1007-1018 ...
2022/03/16 · Asarnow, D.E. ∙ Singh, R. Segmenting the etiological agent of schistosomiasis for high-content screening. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging. 2013; 32 ...
This paper proposes a novel method for segmenting microscope images of schisotsomiasis. Schistosomiasis is a parasitic disease with a global impact second ...
https://dblp.org/rec/journals/tmi/AsarnowS13. Daniel Asarnow , Rahul Singh: Segmenting the Etiological Agent of Schistosomiasis for High-Content Screening.
Asarnow and R. Singh "Segmenting the Etiological Agent of Schistosomiasis for High-Content Screening" IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging , v.32 , 2013 , p ...