Rooted Maximum Agreement Supertrees ... Included in the following conference series: Latin American Symposium on Theoretical Informatics. 945 Accesses.
2005/03/14 · Rooted Maximum Agreement Supertrees. Published: 14 March 2005. Volume 43, pages 293–307, (2005); Cite this article. Download PDF · Algorithmica ...
V. Berry and F. Nicolas. Maximum agreement and compatible supertrees. In Proceedings of the 15th Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching (CPM 2004), ...
MAST and its variant called MCT are of particular interest in computational biology. This paper presents positive and negative results on the approximation of ...
Rooted Maximum Agreement Supertrees. 501 agreement supertree of T does not exist. The total agreement supertree prob- lem (TASP) is: Given a set T of ...
Title: Rooted maximum agreement supertrees. Authors: Jansson, J. Ng, J.H.-K. Sadakane, K. Sung, W.-K. Keywords: Algorithm Computational complexity
Algorithm BuildSMAST( R ) computes a maximum agreement supertree of R in O ( N ′ + k n ) time where n is the maximum number of leaves in a tree of R and N ′ is ...
Title: Rooted maximum agreement supertrees. Authors: Jansson, J. Ng, J.H.-K. Sadakane, K. Sung, W.-K. Issue Date: 2004. Citation: Jansson, J.,Ng, ...
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Jesper Jansson, Joseph H.-K. Ng, Kunihiko Sadakane , Wing-Kin Sung: Rooted Maximum Agreement Supertrees. LATIN 2004: 499-508.