Abstract—This paper proposes to investigate the potential benefit of the use of low-level human vision behaviors in the context of high-level semantic ...
This paper proposes to investigate the potential benefit of the use of low-level human vision behaviors in the context of high-level semantic concept ...
2012/09/16 · In this study, we propose to apply a human retina model to preprocess video sequences, before constructing a State-Of-The-Art BoW analysis. This ...
2012/09/16 · Abstract—This paper proposes to investigate the potential benefit of the use of low-level human vision behaviors in the.
ABSTRACT. This paper addresses the task of detecting diverse semantic concepts in videos. Within this context, the Bag Of Vi- sual Words (BoW) model, ...
2024/04/25 · Retina-enhanced SURF descriptors for semantic concept detection in videos. IPTA 2012: 319-324. [c2]. view. electronic edition @ nist.gov (open ...
This paper investigates how the detection of diverse high-level semantic concepts (objects, actions, scene types, persons etc.) in videos can be improved by ...
This paper proposes to investigate the potential benefit of the use of low-level human vision behaviors in the context of high-level semantic concept detection.
The main aim of this system is to improve the accuracy of concept detection and to form semantic representations by extracting intermediate semantic levels ...
Semantic concept detection achieve this task accurately and is used in many application like multimedia annotation, video summarization, annotation, indexing ...