This study provides an effective technical way to predict the amount of fertiliser to be applied to rice with mechanisation and precision.
Therefore, in this study, based on an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), remote sensing images were used to extract rice texture features, with rice fertiliser ...
The integration of snow hydrology models and remote sensing observations via data assimilation is a promising method to capture the dynamics of seasonal ...
Based on historical weather data to predict summer field-scale maize yield: Assimilation of remote sensing data to WOFOST model by ensemble Kalman filter ...
2024/06/06 · This study is based on UAV remote sensing to obtain hyperspectral data of rice canopy and assimilation with the WOFOST crop growth model.
2024/06/07 · This study is based on UAV remote sensing to obtain hyperspectral data of rice canopy and assimilation with the WOFOST crop growth model.
Currently, the commonly used data assimilation algorithms can be divided into three types: updating method, forcing method, and optimization method. The update ...
2024/05/21 · This study demonstrates the superior effectiveness of using UAV RGB image feature sets for NNI estimation and the quick, accurate diagnosis of cotton nitrogen ...
Importance of Sample Size, Data Type and Prediction Method for Remote Sensing-Based. Estimations of Aboveground Forest Biomass. Remote Sens. Environ. 2014 ...
2024/04/30 · This paper explores the effects of three factors, the baffle retraction (B), spreading disc speed (D), and UAV flight altitude (H), on the granular fertilizer ...