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2020/10/22 · The focus of this edition of the workshop was on multi-robot systems and facilitating robot programming. In this report, we rst present an overview of the ...
Report on the 2nd International Workshop on Robotics. Software Engineering (RoSE'19) ; Federico Ciccozzi. Mälardalen University, Sweden ; federico.ciccozzi@mdh.se.
Report on the 2nd International Workshop on Robotics. Software Engineering (RoSE'19). Federico Ciccozzi. Mälardalen University, Sweden federico.ciccozzi@mdh.se.
The goal of RoSE 2019 is to bring together researchers from participating domains with practitioners to identify new frontiers in robotics software engineering.
文献「ロボットソフトウェア工学(ROSE'19)に関する第2回国際ワークショップ報告【JST・京大機械翻訳】」の詳細情報です。J-GLOBAL 科学技術総合リンクセンターは、国立 ...
2019/05/27 · The objective of RoSE is to bring together researchers and practitioners from both domains at a prominent conference to foster cross-fertilization between the ...
Bibliographic details on Report on the 2nd International Workshop on Robotics Software Engineering (RoSE'19).
An academic search engine that utilizes artificial intelligence methods to provide highly relevant results and novel tools to filter them with ease.
In this website you can find all information related to RoSE, its steering team, links to the current and previous editions, published papers and related ...
... Robot LTL Planning Under Uncertainty In: RoSE 2019 : 2nd International Workshop on Robotics Software Engineering (RoSE'19). Gabriela Solano, Ricardo Diniz ...