2011/01/21 · Abstract: The theory of coalgebras, for an endofunctor on a category, has been proposed as a general theory of transition systems.
In this paper we investigate notions of bisimulation at this general level, and determine how and when these questions can be answered. To explain the ...
Bisimulation is a crucial notion in the theory of labelled transition systems. We identify four definitions of bisimulation on general coalgebras. The ...
2011/03/29 · Introduction. Notions of bisimulation play a central role in the theory of transition systems. The theory of coalgebras provides a setting ...
We investigate and relate four generalizations of bisimulation to this setting, providing conditions under which the four different generalizations coincide. We ...
Bisimulation is a crucial notion in the theory of labelled transition systems. We identify four definitions of bisimulation on general coalgebras. The ...
We investigate and relate four generalizations of bisimulation to this setting, providing conditions under which the four different generalizations coincide. We ...
Relating coalgebraic notions of bisimulation. Sam Staton. Journal. Log. Methods Comput. Sci. Number. 1. Volume. 7. Year. 2011. Links.
2021/07/30 · Abstract. A bisimulation for a coalgebra of a functor on the category of sets can be described via a coalgebra in the category of relations, ...
This coalgebraic formulation makes it possible to generalize the concepts of discrete probabilistic transition system and probabilistic bisimulation to a ...