It can handle both convex and non-convex shapes. The proposed system exhibits robust recognition behavior and real-time performance in a series of experiments.
A novel method for 2D shape recognition is pro- posed. The method employs as a dissimilarity mea- sure the degree of morphing between a test shape.
A novel method for 2D shape recognition is proposed. The method employs as a dissimilarity measure the degree of morphing between a test shape and a ...
Rahul Singh, Ioannis T. Pavlidis, Nikolaos P. Papanikolopoulos: Recognition of 2D shapes through contour metamorphosis. ICRA 1997: 1651-1656.
Abstract: We present a framework for matching and recognition of planar shapes based on a method from computer graphics based animation, called \shape ...
We present a new technique based on shape metamorphosis for on-line recognition of handwritten words and simple shapes in a user-dependent setting.
This paper gives a most recent system which incorporates a feature extractor and descriptor called as Contour-SURF compared with the ContoursIFT, ...
www.kki.yamanashi.ac.jp からのRecognition of 2D shapes through contour metamorphosis.
The algorithm is capable of morphing between shapes having different genera, eg, between a sphere and a torus, with little intervention.
含まれない: Recognition | 必須にする:Recognition
In this article a novel algorithm is presented for 2D shape interpolation using the intrinsic shape parameters of a piecewise linear curve.