2016/06/16 · Our solution is designed for mapping on a compacted de Bruijn graph (CDBG) any set of short reads, either those used to build the graph or reads ...
2015/05/19 · We propose a pipeline called GGMAP (Greedy Graph MAPping). Its novelty is a procedure to map reads on branching paths of the graph.
We propose a new method to correct short reads using de Bruijn graphs and implement it as a tool called Bcool. As a first step, Bcool constructs a compacted de ...
The De Bruijn graph (DBG) has been widely used in the algorithms for indexing or organizing read and reference sequences in bioinformatics.
A formal definition of mapping on a de Bruijn graph is proposed, the problem complexity turns out to be NP-complete, and a practical solution is provided ...
Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) has dramatically enhanced our ability to sequence genomes, but not to assemble them. In practice, many published genome ...
Mapping reads on references is a central task in numerous genomic studies. Since references are mainly extracted from assembly graphs, it is of high ...
Abstract Background Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) has dramatically enhanced our ability to sequence genomes, but not to assemble them.
2015/11/13 · Mapping reads on references is a central task in numerous genomic studies. Since references are mainly extracted from assembly graphs, ...