2019/01/29 · To connect data consumers with remote producers, a public directory service is essential. This is evidenced by adoption in emerging applications ...
To connect data consumers with remote producers, a public directory service is essential. This is evidenced by adoption in emerging applications such as ...
In the era of big data, the data-processing pipeline becomes increasingly distributed among multiple sites. To connect data consumers with remote producers, ...
Privacy-Preserving Multi-Party Directory Servicescan help the optimization technique adapt to concretescenarios with different private-data sizes.To improve ...
Bibliographic details on Privacy-Preserving Multi-Party Directory Services.
Secure and efficient multi-party directory publication for privacy-preserving data sharing. K Areekijseree, Y Tang, J Chen, S Wang, A Iyengar, B Palanisamy.
This work tackles the research problem of distributed, privacy-preserving directory publication, with strong security and practical efficiency. For proven ...
Tang, Y. , Li, K. , Areekijseree, K. , Zhou, S. and Hu, L. 2019. Privacy-Preserving Multi-Party Directory Services. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Security ...
​Privacy-preserving statistical analysis using secure multi-party computation.​PhD thesis. University of Tartu. 2015. Available online: ​http://hdl.handle ...
2020/07/14 · The document discusses several use cases for secure multi-party computation and homomorphic encryption including: sharing financial data between institutions ...