2023/03/14 · The fusion procedure consists in sharpening the Sentinel-3 bands to match the Sentinel-2 spatial resolution leading to a higher spatial ...
The fusion procedure consists in sharpening the Sentinel-3 bands to match the Sentinel-2 spatial resolution leading to a higher spatial resolution Sentinel-3 ...
Abstract—Monitoring vegetation growth, phenology and health in agriculture requires very high spatial and spectral resolution sensors. Sentinel-2 is among ...
Monitoring vegetation growth, phenology and health in agriculture requires very high spatial and spectral resolution sensors. Sentinel-2 is among the ...
We introduce the Efficient Fusion Algorithm across Spatio-Temporal scales (EFAST), which interpolates Sentinel-2 data into smooth time series (both spatially ...
2023/03/15 · Sentinel-3 from 300 to 10m resolution I am thrilled to share that our paper entitled "Physics-based fusion of Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 for ...
2024/03/06 · The state of the art in fusion of Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 involves the use of deep learning methods and multi-scale spatial-spectral ...
In this study, a fused Landsat 8 (L8) Operational Land Imager (OLI) and Sentinel-2 (S-2) multi-spectral instruments (MSI) data product for regional monitoring ...
This study presents a new SSF method named Robust and Adaptive Spatial-Spectral image Fusion Model (RASSFM) for that purpose.
For the vegetation monitoring testing, the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) from Sentinel-2 and fused imagery was calculated and mutually compared.