We consider several natural rearrangement schemes, including the analogues of the ℓ 1 and ℓ 2 distances, as well as two distances based on interchanges. For ...
Abstract. Historically, approximate pattern matching has mainly focused at coping with errors in the data, while the or- der of the text/pattern was assumed ...
In this paper we consider a class of pattern matching problems where the content is assumed to be correct, while the locations may have shifted/changed. We ...
We consider several natural rearrangement schemes, including the analogues of the l1 and l2 distances, as well as two distances based on interchanges. For these ...
2018/02/05 · Recently, a new pattern matching paradigm was proposed, pattern matching with address errors. In this paradigm approximate string matching ...
We consider several natural rearrangement schemes, including the analogues of the @?"1 and @?"2 distances, as well as two distances based on interchanges. For ...
This paper, jointly written by participants of a workshop held in 2021, argues for an increased recognition and application of neutron activation analysis (NAA) ...
Dive into the research topics of 'Pattern Matching with Address Errors: Rearrangement Distances'. Together they form a unique fingerprint. Pattern Matching ...
We consider several natural rearrangement schemes, including the analogues of the l1 and l2 distances, as well as two distances based on interchanges. For these ...
Bibliographic details on Pattern matching with address errors: rearrangement distances.