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2023/10/26 · Using our combined technique, we obtain an attack on 6-round AES with complexity of about 2 46.4 additions. We fully implemented the attack ...
2024/04/29 · We expect that our technique can be used to significantly enhance numerous attacks that exploit the partial sums technique. To demonstrate this, ...
2024/05/01 · We propose to apply a decision-combination attack, the majority vote (MV) attack, to combine 2nd order attacks at multiple candidate pairs of ...
In 2014, Todo and Aoki showed that for 6-round AES, partial sums can be replaced by a technique based on the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), leading to an attack ...
Partial Sums Meet FFT: Improved Attack on 6-Round AES · Orr Dunkelman · Shibam Ghosh · Nathan Keller · Gaëtan Leurent · Avichai Marmor · Victor Mollimard ...
This repository contains the implementation of the key recovery attacks presented in our paper: -Partial Sums Meet FFT: Improved Attack on 6-Round AES, ...
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The Partial Sum Attack is one of the most powerful attacks, independent on the key schedule, developed in the last 15 years against reduced-round versions ...
部分和はFFTと出会う:6ラウンドAESに対する改良型攻撃【JST機械翻訳】. Partial Sums Meet FFT: Improved Attack on 6-Round AES. 出版者サイト 複写サービスで全文入手 ...
Partial Sums Meet FFT: Improved Attack on 6-Round AES. O. Dunkelman, S. Ghosh, N. Keller, G. Leurent, A. Marmor, and V. Mollimard. IACR Cryptol.