The results indicate that online discussions do improve students' perceived learning. Variations among instructors or courses are associated with differences in ...
In the current study, only students' perceived learning from online discussions was measured; objective learning effects may be different from perceived ...
Recommended Citation. Wu, Dezhi and Hiltz, Starr Roxanne, "Online Discussions and Perceived Learning" (2003). AMCIS 2003 Proceedings. 86.
In this research, the scale development study of the perception of learning in the discussion environments was done in order to present the perception of ...
Variations among instructors or courses are associated with differences in perceptions of student motivation, enjoyment, and learning from online discussion.
2022/06/15 · Online group discussions in groups that do not show mass features positively affected the learners' intrinsic motivation, social presence, and perceived ...
This paper examines student perceptions of a particular AODB activity, the Computing Professional Skills Assessment (CPSA).
Using survey data, this study investigated the perceptions and experiences of students regarding the effectiveness and value of online discussion forums in ...
This study combines qualitative comparative analysis of communities' forum transcripts to specify the teaching and social presence categories that promote in- ...
2023/03/09 · A model predicting that course structure, learner interaction and instructor presence would influence students' perceived learning and satisfaction in online ...