On the rate of learning in distributed hypothesis testing. Abstract: This paper considers a problem of distributed hypothesis testing and cooperative learning.
On the rate of learning in distributed hypothesis testing. Abstract: This paper considers a problem of distributed hypothesis testing and cooperative learning.
This paper considers a problem of distributed hypothesis testing and cooperative learning. Individual nodes in a network receive noisy local (private) ...
Javidi, “On the rate of learning in distributed hypothesis testing,” in To appear in the Proceedings of the 53rd Annual. Allerton Conference on Communication ...
2014/10/16 · This paper considers a problem of distributed hypothesis testing and social learning. Individual nodes in a network receive noisy local (private) observations.
This paper considers a problem of distributed hypothesis testing and cooperative learning. Individual nodes in a network receive noisy local (private) ...
Furthermore, the exponential rate of learning is shown to be both a function ... power to identify the hypotheses affects the rate of convergence. Fig ...
This paper considers a problem of distributed hypothesis testing over a network. Individual nodes in a network receive noisy local (private) observations ...
As our main contribution, we prove that with probability 1, each false hypothesis is ruled out by every agent exponentially fast at a network-independent rate ...
We show that in this setting the exponential rate of learning has a natural interpretation as the correlation between the network centralities (influence) of ...