A biological network is a method of representing systems as complex sets of binary interactions or relations between various biological entities.

Biological network

生物学的ネットワークは、システムを、さまざまな生物学的エンティティ間のバイナリ相互作用または関係の複雑なセットとして表す方法です。一般に、ネットワークまたはグラフは、エンティティまたはオブジェクト間の関係をキャプチャするために使用されます。典型的なグラフ表現は、エッジで接続されたノードのセットで構成されます。 ウィキペディア(英語)
Biological networks · Represent the physical relationships between proteins. They are central to practically every process that takes place in the cell ...
2020/01/31 · Networks are one of the most common ways to represent biological systems as complex sets of binary interactions or relations between ...
2004/02/01 · Network biology offers a quantifiable description of the networks that characterize various biological systems. Here we define the most basic ...
Network biology is a study of how molecules interact and come together to give rise to subcellular machinery that forms the functional units capable of ...
2023/09/15 · Network biology is an interdisciplinary field bridging computational and biological sciences that has proved pivotal in advancing the ...
2016/03/31 · In this review, we describe how to use publicly available bioinformatics tools to integrate genome-wide 'omics' data into a network of experimentally-supported ...
Contents · 1 - An Introduction to Biological Networks · 2 - Graph Theory · 3 - Structural Analysis of Biological Networks · 4 - Networks from an Information- ...
Why networks? • Networks provide natural description of relation between various components. • Examples: – Protein–protein interaction ...
Network biology is a science that deals with the structure, function, regulation (control), design, and application, etc., of various biological networks.