A narrative is a course of real events about which we might have incomplete information. Formalisms for reasoning about action may be broadly divided into ...
Narrative is treated as a collection of situations and events and relations among them. Narrative is easier than planning, because it does not require that the ...
This paper bridges the gap between these types of formalism by supplying a technique for linking incomplete narrative descriptions to situation calculus domain ...
The situation calculus is a logic formalism designed for representing and reasoning about dynamical domains. It was first introduced by John McCarthy in 1963.
In the event calculus, there is a single time line on which actual events occur. A narrative is a possibly incomplete specification of a set of actual event ...
The event calculus represents duration of events and actions primarily using temporal intervals [Shanahan 1997] and allows concurrent events; it is strongly ...
Abstract. A version of the Situation Calculus is presented which is able to deal with information about the actual occurrence of actions in time.
We extend the ontology of the situation calculus to provide for the representation of time and event occurrences. We do this by defining a time line ...
We argue that though Situation Calculus and Event Calculus are indeed very similar, that is not the end of the story.
Abstract. This paper develops a logical model based on the situation-calculus of the role of indexicality in creating the linguistic context and how the ...