The problem is to identify the optimal amount of gas that needs to be injected into each well to maximize the amount of oil extracted subject to the constraint ...
In this paper, we discuss a practical oil production problem from a petroleum field. A field typically consists of a number of oil wells and to extract oil ...
Evolutionary algorithms have been used to solve a number of multiobjective optimization problems from the domain of operations research in recent years [7] ...
We have also introduced a multiobjective formulation which is attractive as it eliminates the need to solve such problems on a daily basis while maintaining the ...
In this work, we introduce a multi-objective optimization strategy facilitated by deep neural networks (DNNs) as surrogate models to lessen the computational ...
2019/06/01 · Miresmaeili et al. (2015) used a multi-objective optimization algorithm, Gaussian Bayesian networks and Gaussian kernels to solve the gas ...
Considering the complexity of the problem, we have used an evolutionary algorithm to solve various classes of this problem. We have also introduced a ...
This paper proposes a mixed-integer linear programming formulation using gas injection and wellhead choke as optimization variables and introduces new ...
Our multi-objective approach is attractive as it eliminates the need to solve gas lift optimization problems on a daily basis. Our surrogate-assisted ...
2008/02/25 · This paper proposed a method for the described gas lift optimization problem and investigated its performance against multiple existing methods.