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In this paper, we compare two multi-objective evolutionary algorithms by solving bi-objective linear and nonlinear constrained optimization problems. The.
In this paper, we compare two multi-objective evolutionary algorithms by solving bi-objective linear and nonlinear constrained optimization problems.
2024/07/04 · This paper presents a comprehensive review of state-of-the-art algorithms for solving CMOPs. First, the background knowledge and concepts of ...
Abstract. For multi-objective constrained optimization problem (MCOP), how to deal with its constraints and find a sufficient number of uniformly ...
2023/01/25 · This paper proposes an adaptive constraint regulation method to adjust the constraint violation of an infeasible solution by its -nearest neighbors.
This paper presents a novel evolutionary algorithm (EA) for constrained optimization problems, i.e., the hybrid constrained optimization EA (HCOEA). This ...
This paper develops a novel algorithm to solve real-world constrained optimization problems, which hybridizes multiobjective optimization techniques with an ε- ...
In this review, current multiobjective evolutionary approaches are discussed, ranging from the conventional analytical aggregation of the different objectives ...
2017/10/05 · This paper proposes an improved evolutionary algorithm with parallel evaluation strategy (EAPES) for solving constrained multi-objective ...
Abstract—Solving constrained multiobjective optimization problems (CMOPs) is a challenging task since it is necessary to optimize several conflicting ...