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The translation between ASN.1 and XML will enable us to manipulate efficient ASN.1 data in a user-friendly manner. We develop a Java library for such ...
Abstract. Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) is a framework for representing tree structured data. It is widely used in communication protocols (e.g.,.
In this document, sections of ASN.1 syntax and XML Schema definitions are shown in plain text. (courier font). Within these sections, symbols shown in italics ...
The translation between ASN.1 and XML will enable us to manipulate efficient ASN.1 data in an user-friendly manner. We developed a Java library for such ...
This mapping takes as input a schema written in XML Schema and produces an ASN.1 module containing a set of type definitions (and, optionally, ...
for the Web if it is translated into XML. That means it is possible for us to access ASN.1-based systems using Web browsers.
Since ASN.1 data is structured data, it should be possible to represent the same information in Extensible Markup Language (XML). XML is not particularly ...
ITU-T ASN.1 & OID project leader. Mapping XML Schemas into ASN.1 modules. ▫ Automatic translation (mapping) of XML Schemas into ASN.1 modules. ▫ The same XML ...
A Java library for translation between ASN.1 and XML will enable us to manipulate efficient ASn.1 data in a user-friendly manner and discuss still existing ...
The translation between ASN.1 and XML will enable us to manipulate efficient ASN.1 data in an user-friendly manner. We developed a Java library for such ...