2019/06/02 · We introduce a surrogate-assisted optimization algorithm for many-objective optimization (SaMaO) which is capable of delivering converged and well distributed ...
Abstract Designers are increasingly being confronted with practical applications that require solution of optimization problems with more than three ...
In this chapter, we introduce a surrogate-assisted optimization algorithm for many-objective optimization (SaMaO) which is capable of delivering converged and ...
Bhattacharjee, K.S., Singh, H.K., Ray, T.: Multiple surrogate-assisted many-objective optimization for computationally expensive engineering design.
Kalyan Shankar Bhattacharjee, Hemant Kumar Singh , Tapabrata Ray: Many-Objective Optimization with Limited Computing Budget.
Many-Objective Optimization refers to the process of optimizing problems with a large number of objectives, typically ranging from four to tens.
In this paper, we propose a metamodel-based multi-objective evolutionary algorithm to make a balance between error uncertainty and progress. In contrast to ...
This paper attempts to bridge this research gap by introducing a surrogate-Assisted optimization algorithm for solving MOP/MaOP within a limited computing ...
This paper formulates a many-objective computation offloading problem in heterogeneous VEC network aiming to fulfill the diversified optimization requirements.
Multi-objective optimization or Pareto optimization is an area of multiple-criteria decision making that is concerned with mathematical optimization ...