The paper discusses modeling languages and how quality is defined and measured in software engineering where much more work has been done. We propose developing ...
This paper addresses the question of what makes a good model and proposes developing metrics based on the systems engineering activity models to supplement ...
2017/06/18 · The paper discusses modeling languages and how quality is defined and measured in software engineering where much more work has been done. We ...
Abstract—The adoption of model based systems engineering takes models and puts them front and center to support all systems engineering activities.
The idea that “measuring quality is the key to developing high-quality software systems” is gaining relevance. Moreover, it is widely recognised that the ...
2024/05/19 · The method supports system engineers to derive tailored metrics to objectively assess the model quality.
Evaluating the quality of conceptual models is still very much more 'art' than 'science'. The dimensions of quality have only recently been defined and explored ...
On Understanding the Value of Domain Modeling · Assessing Enterprise Modeling Languages Using a Generic Quality Framework · Inhibitors and enablers for conceptual ...
2023/04/22 · In the current study, we explore an existing Conceptual-Design framework and offer MBSE interpretation and tools extensions needed for its digital ...
In this paper, we present a set of metrics to measure the quality of conceptual models for DW's. We have validated them through an empirical experiment ...