Our assumption is, that the reliance on semi-autonomous systems will lead to a deterioration in driving skills. In this paper, we present a three year project ...
Our assumption is, that the reliance on semi-autonomous systems will lead to a deterioration in driving skills. In this paper, we present a three year project ...
The MaDSAV Project. MaDSAV (Maintaining Driving Skills in semi-. Autonomous Vehicles) is a three year joint project between the Center for Human-Computer ...
The MaDSAV project aims at supporting drivers in the future to maintain their driving skills when riding in autonomous vehicles.
This paper presents a three year project called MaDSAV (Maintaining Driving Skills in semi-Autonomous Vehicles), which tackles this problem of reliance on ...
Our assumption is, that the reliance on semi-autonomous systems will lead to a deterioration in driving skills. In this paper, we present a three year project ...
2019/10/06 · MaDSAV: maintaining driving skills in semi-autonomous vehicles ; 1 University of Salzburg ; 2 SnT - Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, ...
The MADSAV project explores how we can monitor and encourage people to maintain their driving skills in the event of such handover situations.
The MADSAV project explores driving skills within the domain of increasingly autonomous vehicles. The project is a partnership between the University of ...
Bibliographic details on MaDSAV: maintaining driving skills in semi-autonomous vehicles.