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2022/03/24 · We propose a novel framework named Hierarchical Audio-to-Gesture (HA2G) for co-speech gesture generation.
We propose a novel framework named Hierarchical Audio-to-Gesture (HA2G) for co-speech gesture generation.
To fully utilize the rich connections between speech audio and human gestures, we propose a novel framework named. Hierarchical Audio-to-Gesture (HA2G) for co- ...
To fully utilize the rich connections between speech audio and human gestures, we propose a novel framework named. Hierarchical Audio-to-Gesture (HA2G) for co- ...
This work proposes a novel framework named Hierarchical Audio-to-Gesture (HA2G) for co-speech gesture generation, and develops a contrastive learning ...
... The research of co-speech gesture generation can be divided into two branches, Rule-based methods [9,35,10] and learning-based methods [1,2, 33, 17,33].
Robots learn social skills: End-to-end learning of co-speech gesture generation for humanoid robots. In 2019 International Conference on. Robotics and ...
We present a learning-based co-speech gesture generation that is learned from 52 h of TED talks. The proposed end-to-end neural network model consists of an ...
This design leverages pretraining of motion VQVAE with the motion reconstruction task to improve the quality of generated gestures. However, the vanilla VQVAE's ...
These methods first encode gesture priors into a discrete codebook and then learn the mapping between the codebook index and speech features. However, the ...