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A finite planar set is k -isosceles for k ≥ 3 if every k -point subset of the set contains a point equidistant from two others. There are three nonsi.
Answer to one of Fishburn's questions: ``Isosceles planar subsets'' [Discrete Comput. Geom. 19 (1998), no. 3, 391--398]. Vojtech Bálint; Zuzana Kojdjaková.
Definition 1.1. 有限集合 X ⊂ Rk に対して、. A(X) = {d(x, y)|x, y ∈ X, x ̸= y}. とおく。このとき、|A(X)| = s であるならば、X を Rk における s-distance set と ...
A finite planar set is k-isosceles for k 3 if every k-point subset of the set contains a point equidistant from the other two.
Fishburn, Duplicated distances in subsets of finite planar sets,. Geombinatorics 8 (1999) no.3, 73-77. [9] P. Fishburn, Isosceles Planar Subsets, Discrete ...
Classification of isosceles sets which have the maximum cardinality in 4 ... Fishburn, Isosceles Planar Subsets, Discrete Comput. Geom. 19 (1998), 391 ...
2003/09/29 · A finite planar set is k-isosceles for k ≥ 3 if every k-point subset of the set contains a point equidistant from the other two.
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en.wikipedia.org からのIsosceles Planar Subsets.
In discrete geometry, an isosceles set is a set of points with the property that every three of them form an isosceles triangle.
Answer to one of Fishburn's questions: ``Isosceles planar subsets'' [Discrete Comput. Geom. 19 (1998), no. 3, 391--398]. (English).