The change from the term “intentional systems” to “goal-directed systems” was made to avoid potential concerns about whether or not artificial neural systems ...
This paper presents a theory of how general-purpose learning-based intelligence is achieved in the mammal brain, and how we can replicate it.
How can goals be represented in natural and artificial systems? How can they be learned? How can they trigger actions? This paper describes, analyses and ...
Introduction to the special issue on goal-directed neural systems · R. Kozma, Daniel Levine, L. Perlovsky · Published in Neural Networks 1 April 2009 · Computer ...
2015/04/10 · Goal-directed behavior is based on representations of contingencies between a certain situation (S), a certain (re)action (R) and a certain ...
Goals and subgoals play rich qualitative roles in the way that we conceive, describe and indeed model behavior. They provide a convenient structure to decompose ...
2017/07/20 · Instrumental behavior is supported by goal-directed and habit systems in the brain. The goal-directed system encodes the relationship between ...
Introduction. The brain has evolved to act in a complex and unpredictable world, and it must continuously select among many goals and action options.
In instrumental conditioning, there is a rather precise definition of goal-directed control, and therefore an acute boundary between it and the somewhat ...
The mentalizing deficit hypothesis encouraged the search for underlying neural mechanisms and posed the question of whether this was unique to the human brain.