In this work we illustrate our approach to improve the default IMDb recom- mendations by offering interactive recommendation settings ... using settings and ...
This work describes a Google Chrome extension – called MovieBrain – which offers interactive movie recommendations and integrates the IMDb website for user ...
In this work we describe our Google Chrome extension - called MovieBrain - which offers interactive movie recommendations and integrates the IMDb website for ...
2014/09/18 · ABSTRACT. IMDb is a widely known online movie platform that offers movie information, allows to rate movies and recommends.
Simon Dooms, Toon De Pessemier, Luc Martens: Improving IMDb Movie Recommendations with Interactive Settings and Filters. RecSys Posters 2014.
Dooms, Simon, et al. “Improving IMDb Movie Recommendations with Interactive Settings and Filters.” Poster Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Recommender ...
Title. Improving IMDb movie recommendations with interactive settings and filters ; Is Part Of. Poster Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Recommender ...
2014/10/13 · This document describes a project that aimed to improve movie recommendations on IMDb by developing an interactive web application called ...
Using Python libraries like BeautifulSoup to load IMDb pages. 2. Find movie links on IMDb. 3. Extract user reviews from the movie pages. 4. Store the scraped ...
This study aims to predict the movie ratings and find the most important features which correlate to the ratings, and performs an experiment on IMDb dataset.