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We propose an enhanced multi-scale residual network (EMRN) with smaller depth to reconstruct super-resolution images of high-quality in SISR with different ...
2024/06/04 · Based on the residual block, we propose an enhanced multi-scale residual network (EMRN) to take advantage of hierarchical image features via ...
SISR aims to reconstruct a high-resolution (HR) image from a low-resolution (LR) image which is an ill-posed problem since the mapping between LR and HR has ...
2020/09/16 · Abstract. Recently, a very deep convolutional neural network (CNN) has achieved impressive results in image super-resolution (SR).
A novel multi-scale residual network (MSRN) to fully exploit the image features, which outperform most of the state-of-the-art methods.
We propose a multi-scale channel attention fusion module (MCAF) to learn local and global channels feature and capture the long-range dependencies.
2021/06/01 · An enhancing feature information mining network (EFMNet) is proposed that aims to enhance feature capture and mining that powerfully ...
In this paper, we propose a novel multi-scale residual network (MSRN) to fully exploit the image features, which outperform most of the state-of-the-art methods ...
In this paper, we proposed a new residual fusion network to utilize the multi-scale structural information for face SR. Different from the existing methods of ...
2024/04/17 · A new SR method for single image SR, namely Enhanced Deep Pyramidal Residual Networks, is introduced in this study.