IS Executives' Views of the Key Issues in Information Systems Management in Australia. Graham P. Pervan. IS Executives' Views of the Key Issues in ...
IS executives in Australia, Europe, and the US show a reasonable level of agreement on the most critical issues they face. They take a mid- to long-range ...
Studies investigating the key issues in IS management serve to better understand the concerns of IS managers and help to guide IS researchers in choosing IS ...
1994/05/01 · This paper presents results from a study of the key issues facing the IS managers of Australia's largest 300 organisations which is part of a ...
This reflects the need for a balance of business, technical, and people skills in an IS executive. Non-critical issues were mostly related to systems ...
含まれない: Australia. | 必須にする:Australia.
2015/12/08 · It examines the key concerns of IS executives in these areas, focusing on identifying and explaining regional similarities and differences.
This both indicates a degree of cultural and technological ignorance that is alarming and has important implications for management well beyond the realm of IS.
This research is an exploratory study of key Information Systems (IS) issues in the management of information systems in the Australian business environment.
Return to Article Details A CEO View of Key Issues in Australian Information Systems Management - 1997 Download Download PDF. Thumbnails Document Outline
含まれない: Executives' | 必須にする:Executives'
Abstract: Executive information Systems (EIS) are still a relatively new phenomenon and problems still exist in their development and implementation.