Regaining trust-by-wire, comparable to classic fixed line telephones, could mitigate or even solve problems like Spam, Phishing, and the localization of VoIP ...
Abstract—During the last decades, the Internet has steadily developed into a mass medium. The target group radically changed compared to, e.g., the 90s.
Supported services are VoIP emergency calls, Spam detection and prevention, and phishing prevention. Already in the access network, the hardware adds ...
2008/10/19 · IPclip: An Architecture to. Restore Trust-by-Wire in. Restore Trust by Wire in. Packet-switched Networks. Thomas Bahls, Daniel Duchow. Harald ...
Regaining trust-by-wire, comparable to classic fixed line telephones, could mitigate or even solve problems like Spam, Phishing, and the localization of VoIP ...
Abstract—During the last decades, the Internet has steadily developed into a mass medium. The target group radically changed compared to, e.g., the 90s.
The main idea of IPclip is to guarantee trust-by-wire in packet-switched networks by providing trustworthy location information along with every IP packet ...
2024/04/25 · IPclip: An architecture to restore Trust-by-Wire in packet-switched networks. LCN 2008: 312-319. [+][–]. Coauthor network. maximize. Note that ...
IPclip is a mechanism, which provides Trust-by-Wire in IP-based networks by adding trustworthy location information to IP packets.
2024/04/24 · IPclip: An architecture to restore Trust-by-Wire in packet-switched networks. LCN 2008: 312-319; 2007. [c5]. no documents available. no ...