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2024/07/05 · We outline a general, high-level method for generating, pre-processing, publishing, and finally using SARPs of different providers.
2024/08/01 · We outline a general, high-level method for generating, pre-processing, publishing, and finally using SARPs of different providers.
2024/07/11 · We outline a general, high-level method for generating, pre-processing, publishing, and finally using SARPs of different providers.
How to Drill into Silos: Creating a Free-to-Use Dataset of Data Subject Access Packages · Artificial Intelligence and Human Interfaces · Computer Science.
2024/07/07 · This research aims to create a freely available dataset of data subject access packages to shine a light on how organizations respond to ...
How to Drill into Silos: Creating a Free-to-Use Dataset of Data Subject Access Packages. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-68024-3_7 ·.
2024/07/05 · 文献「サイロに掘り込む方法:データ主題アクセスパッケージの使い捨てデータセットの作成【JST機械翻訳】」の詳細情報です。
2024/07/09 · To foster such technical research in the area of personal data access, we present a method to generate datasets of data subject access request ...
2024/07/05 · How to Drill Into Silos: Creating a Free-to-Use Dataset of Data Subject Access Packages. Nicola Leschke ,. Daniela Pöhn ,. Frank Pallas.
How to Drill Into Silos: Creating a Free-to-Use Dataset of Data Subject Access Packages (Nicola Leschke, Daniela Pöhn and Frank Pallas); Access Your Data...