The results reported are based on a moderate response rate (though perhaps reasonable for the target group) but formal testing showed an absence of non-response ...
As part of a research programme on key information systems (IS) management issues, a survey of Australasia's largest organizations was conducted to identify ...
How chief executive of®cers in large organizations view the management of their information systems. GRAHAM PERVAN. School of Information Systems, Curtin ...
ultimate responsibility for all technology implementation, maintaining technology compliance regulations, and identifying technology risks for the company.
questions would be answered: Do these three groups of managers experience the same is- sues? If so, in what ways do they view these issues differently?
This paper examines the effect of three characteristics of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and three organizational characteristics on adoption of IT.
Depending on the role, the CIO focuses on delivering the IT infrastructure and services and is in charge of the firm's electronic connection to its customers, ...
評価 (1)
The ________ group within the information systems (IS) department manages the process of creating new information systems as well as maintaining existing ...
This chapter explains some things you need to know about the relationship between organizations, management, information systems, and business strategy.
2013/08/14 · Fundamentally speaking, CIOs are conservative. And the more important IT becomes within a business, the more conservative they tend to be. This ...