The purpose of this paper is to describe four classes of permutation polynomials over F2m . Two of the four classes have the same form as that of (1), while ...
In this paper we describe four classes of permutation polynomials over F 2 m . Two of the four classes have the same form, while the other two classes are of ...
However, only a handful of specific classes of permutation polynomials are known so far. In this paper we describe four classes of permutation polynomials over ...
2023/12/27 · SUMMARY. Permutation polynomials have been studied for a long time and have important applications in cryptography, coding theory and.
2024/07/07 · construct four classes of permutation polynomials over F2n × F2n , where ... the trace mapping from F2n to F2m . The following lemma is directly ...
However, only a handful of specific classes of permutation polynomials are known so far. In this paper we describe four classes of permutation polynomials over ...
We construct a class of permutation polynomials of F2m that are closely related to Dickson polynomials. © 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Keywords ...
2018/06/02 · This chapter contains four special classes of permutation polynomials over F2m . ... Ding, Four classes of permutation polynomials of F2m , Finite.
2024/07/01 · In this paper, two new classes of permutation polynomials over finite fields are presented. Based on the link between equivalent equations and .
2022/01/25 · In this paper, we give a further study on the permutation behavior of polynomials of a special form by considering the number of solutions of ...