2022/11/22 · This paper aims at recovering the hyperspectral image from its RGB counterpart. This highly challenging inverse problem has profoundly ...
We present an efficient reconstruction algorithm based on the tensor analysis and the low-rank constraint. The hyperspectral data cube is regarded as a low ...
This paper aims at recovering the hyperspectral image from its RGB counterpart. This highly challenging inverse problem has profoundly impactful ...
In this paper, we aim to recover the HSI from its spectrally downsampled counterpart (i.e., the RGB image covering the same spatial region) by exploiting the ...
This paper adopts the ADMM-Adam theory, recently investigated in the remote sensing literature for blending the advantages of CO and DL, in order to achieve ...
Abstract: This paper aims at recovering the hyperspectral image from its RGB counterpart. This highly challenging inverse problem has profoundly impactful ...
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Chia-Hsiang Lin, Tzu-Hsuan Lin , Ting-Hsuan Lin, Tang-Huang Lin: Fast Reconstruction of Hyperspectral Image From its RGB Counterpart Using ADMM-Adam Theory.
2020. Fast Reconstruction of Hyperspectral Image From its RGB Counterpart Using ADMM-Adam Theory. CH Lin, TH Lin, TH Lin, TH Lin. 2022 12th Workshop on ...
Lin, “Fast reconstruction of hyperspectral image from its RGB counterpart using ADMM-Adam theory,” IEEE WHISPERS, Rome, Italy, Sep. 13-16, 2022. Y. Liu ...