ABSTRACT. Visual codes are used to embed digital data in physical ob- jects, or they are shown in video sequences to transfer data over screen/camera links.
Visual codes are used to embed digital data in physical objects, or they are shown in video sequences to transfer data over screen/camera links.
Visual codes are used to embed digital data in physical objects, or they are shown in video sequences to transfer data over screen/camera links.
MobiSys 2016. Proceedings of the 14th Annual International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services. Pages / Article No. 319 - 332.
2016/04/29 · FOCUS: Robust visual codes for everyone. Hermans, Frederik. Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Science and Technology, Mathematics and ...
2020/03/13 · Abstract, © 2016 ACM. Visual codes are used to embed digital data in physical objects, or they are shown in video sequences to transfer data ...
Research Collection · Focus: Robust visual codes for everyone. Mendeley · CSV · RIS · BibTeX · Files in this item · Browse · Publish · Statistics.
Visual codes are used to embed digital data in physical objects, or they are shown in video sequences to transfer data over screen/camera links. Existing codes ...
Bibliographic details on FOCUS: Robust Visual Codes for Everyone.