Abstract: Exponential estimates and sufficient conditions for the exponential stability of linear time delay systems are given.
Exponential estimates and sufficient conditions for the exponential stability of linear time delay systems are given.
Theory, vol. 46, no. 3, pp. 962–981, May 2000. Exponential Estimates for Retarded Time-Delay Systems: An LMI Approach. S. Mondié and V. L. Kharitonov.
This paper presents novel results on exponential estimates for time-delay nonlinear descriptor systems with nonsingular left-hand side.
ABSTRACT: This paper is concerned with the reachable set estimation problem for neutral Markovian jump systems with bounded peak disturbances, which was rarely ...
ABSTRACT: This paper investigates the issue of exponential stability for a class of uncertain linear systems with a single time-delay (or multiple time-delays).
Exponential estimates for retarded time-delay systems: an LMi approach. Mondie, S.; Kharitonov, V. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 50(2): 268-273.
In this paper, we consider the robust stability problem for uncertain linear time-delay systems which are given by retarded differential difference equations.
A new sufficient condition for robust exponential stability of uncertain time-delay systems using linear matrix inequalities is obtained and an improved ...
This paper overviews the research investigations pertaining to stability and stabilization of control systems with time-delays.