Abstract. In a semantic resolution proof we operate with clauses only but allow arbitrary rules of inference: consistency is the only requirement.
Bibliographic details on Exponential Lower Bounds for Semantic Resolution.
Bibliographic details on Exponential lower bounds for semantic resolution.
2015/10/20 · We present proofs of exponential lower bounds on resolution refutations of Tseitin formulas and pigeonhole principle formulas. Secondly, we ...
2019/12/02 · We show exponential lower bounds on resolution proof length for pigeonhole principle (PHP) formulas and perfect matching formulas over highly unbalanced, ...
This paper requires that one partition of variables is resolved on before the second partition (this is a special case of a partial order), and shows that ...
2019/05/29 · We give an exponential lower bound on the size of resolution refutations of a propositional statement that the formula has a resolution refutation.
2024/06/11 · Exponential lower bounds for Res(⊕; ≤ϵn) (where ϵ < 1 is a constant) can be obtained by a simulation in Polynomial Calculus Resolution ...
Abstract. We prove an exponential lower bound on the size of proofs in the proof system operating with ordered binary decision diagrams intro-.
For any unsatisfiable CNF formula, an exponential lower bound on the size of resolution refutations of a propositional statement that the formula has a ...