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Our approach to estimating internal torques and contact properties reduces to two steps: (1) Estimate velocity and acceleration; (2) Estimate the contact model ...
We show how one can estimate the forces acting on the body in terms of internal forces (joint torques), gravity, and the parameters of a contact model.
For 3D human motion, with a 12-segment articulated body model, we show how one can estimate the forces acting on the body in terms of internal forces (joint ...
This paper investigates the contact dynamics and the relative motion estimation problems between the target and the end-effector during the post-capturing ...
This paper presents contact dynamics simulation for cap- turing a floating target by long-reach space manipulator systems. Current space manipulator systems ...
The Contact Dynamics method, developed still in the 1980s, was originally applied for granular as- semblies because of its efficiency in simulating rapid ...
2023/06/05 · This paper is concerned with the contact force estimation problem of robot manipulators based on imperfect dynamic models of the manipulator and the contact ...
This paper deals with the estimation of pressure at collisions times during the movement of a dense crowd. Through the non-smooth contact dynamics approach ...
This paper explains Bayesian state estimation applying for contact dynamics. Particle filtering has proved its worth in applications over the last decade ...