2020/03/13 · Quadratic voting is an intriguing new method for public choice suggested by Lalley and Weyl, which they showed to be utilitarian efficient.
Abstract. Universal verifiability is a must-to-have for electronic voting schemes. It is essential to ensure honest behavior of all the players during the ...
In this paper, we suggest an efficient construction of electronic quadratic voting with end-to-end verifiability and a perfectly private audit trail inspired by ...
End-to-end verifiable elections in the standard model‏. A Kiayias, T Zacharias, B Zhang‏. Advances in Cryptology-EUROCRYPT 2015: 34th Annual International ...
含まれない: Quadratic Everlasting
If voters need to worry about facing negative consequences in case their individual votes are leaked, say, 10 or 20 years after the election, then this fear can ...
This paper suggests an efficient construction of electronic quadratic voting with end-to-end verifiability and a perfectly private audit trail inspired by ...
List of references · Adida, B., De Marneffe, O., Pereira, O., Quisquater, J. · Benaloh, J.: Ballot casting assurance via voter-initiated poll station auditing.
Abstract. In this work, we propose a first version of an e-voting scheme that achieves end-to-end verifiability, everlasting privacy and efficient co-.
In this paper, we suggest an efficient construction of electronic quadratic voting with end-to-end verifiability and a perfectly private audit trail inspired by ...
This work systematically analyze all e-voting protocols designed to provide everlasting privacy, and offers a well - founded reference point for conducting ...